the beginning is the most important part of the work. hello 2021.
“the beginning is the most important part of the work.” – plato all of us are really wanting a fresh new year! this video made in 2019 by tbwa/paris for the national society of french railways (sncf)...
View Articlehappy monday. hertz purchases 100,000 teslas and what it means for many.
last monday hertz made a mega announcement that they’re purchasing 100,000 teslas. in response the wall street journal‘s editorial board opines below what this means. ///// the more you look behind...
View Articlevisionary barrier-breaking chicago designer virgil abloh dies at age 41.
above> mca chicago’s victor abloh 2019 retrospective “figures of speech” social media best informs us of visibility and reach and victor abloh‘s passing gave us a pretty clear picture of who he...
View Articlelululemon and ralph lauren go head to toe at 2022 winter olympics.
above> ice dancers piper gilles and paul poirier wear the beijing 2022 opening ceremony uniform by lululemon in the 80s i felt chicago and toronto had more differences than similarities: the size...
View Articlea pre-show peek of the inspired home show 2022.
br> br> br> this is my 11th year as a gia innovations award judge. today was judgement day to scrutinize five product design finalists in 10 categories. that meant a visit to mccormick place...
View Article2022 inspired home show gia product design winners.
DesignApplause is honored to be a gia awards judge for the past 11 years, and i looked forward to selecting the best of the 2022 product design – thank you for submitting your product. the judges used...
View Articlelew asher design-centric chicago printer calls it a day at 102.
above > lew with daughters l>r sharon & roberta circa early 90s courtesy greg samata i can’t think of one designer who was practicing in the 60s thru 2000 or even later that didn’t know lew....
View Articlewhat’s the difference between art and design? expo chicago 2022.
above > collectors enjoying video art by a former graphic designer gregory scott / catherine edelman gallery booth 169 note: this post in ‘in-progress’ as we await more details… more than 140...
View Articlemental health awareness resources.
above > designer george douglas each year millions of americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. during may, DesignApplause and the rest of the country are raising awareness of...
View Articlefounder editor dezeen marcus fairs leaves great legacy at age 54.
marcus fairs passing is a big loss to all of us. he was a big inspiration to architecture and design. a visionary. although 20-plus years my junior, i consider him a mentor. he founded and authored a...
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